Thursday, July 22, 2010

Compact Art Storage

Mary Gallagher and her dedicated legion of volunteers are preparing art for storage in our new rolling compact storage unit. They are starting with national treasures made by Oregon artists through the Works Progress Administration (WPA) New Deal program. Darrel Austin's "Machine" is currently exhibited in our 30th anniversary exhibition ( The rest of the WPA art is moving into comfortable new surroundings in the climate controlled Peter & Rosalie Johnson Collections Center.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Online Historical Timeline

Benton County Historical Society presents an online timeline detailing events that either occurred in Benton County or that influenced Benton County history, from 1850 to the present.

Creation of this timeline was a team effort over the past two years. Thank you Marlene McDonald, Judy Juntunen, George Edmonston Jr., May Dasch, Mary Gallagher, Martha Fraundorf, Susan Christie, Aspen Padilla, Irene Zenev and Mark Tolonen!

Benton County Museum on Facebook

Please join us on Facebook and help spread the word about our dynamic and growing museum!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Polk Business Directories online!

Did you know that you can search the 1867-1932 McKenney, Langley and Polk Business Directories for free, from our web site? They emphasize Corvallis, Monroe, and Philomath, Oregon people and businesses. You can search for names, types of businesses and specific companies! Genealogists really find these books useful, so our volunteer archivist Walter retyped them for online use!